
How to Cite

León Guerrero, J. P., & Vega Guerrero, J. C. (2023). Endogenous competitiveness in social enterprises in the city of Bogotá and Buenaventura. Documentos De Trabajo ECACEN, 1, 135-142.
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Endogenous competitiveness in social enterprises in the city of Bogotá and Buenaventura

Jenny Patricia León Guerrero Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Juan Camilo Vega Guerrero Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia

This document seeks to identify the internal marketing factors that affect social entrepreneurship organizations in Bogotá and Buenaventura, through questionnaires applied to the legal representatives or CEO of 20 organizations of this type, these surveys were applied during the first and second semester. of 2022 through an instrument consisting of 8 components and 17 questions.

The study is articulated with the ECACEN research project called: The endogenous competitiveness of marketing in social entrepreneurship organizations in Colombia.

Relevant results were obtained from this investigation, as evidenced below:

Marketing activities in relation to advertising of services, management of social networks, management with both public and private entities, obtaining resources and research on the needs of people, are considered very important in the segment. of respondents

In the organizations consulted, it is important to design marketing plans, feasibility studies, as well as creating ideas for the generation of services that contribute to the quality of life of the community.