
How to Cite

Reyes Castro, A. A., Pirazan Londoño, A. P., & Laverde Bernal, J. C. (2023). Elements to consider from high school, technical, technological and professional education for the design of strategies in the youth policy for labor insertion within the municipality of Sutatausa. Documentos De Trabajo ECACEN, 1, 61-83.
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Elements to consider from high school, technical, technological and professional education for the design of strategies in the youth policy for labor insertion within the municipality of Sutatausa

Ariel Alfonso Reyes Castro Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Angie Paola Pirazan Londoño Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Juan Carlos Laverde Bernal

Public youth policy is a tool that facilitates the management of territories to the extent that it contains guidelines in the short,  edium and long term that make it possible to transform the social conditions that hinder the development of youth in a specific territory, region or context. . Its purpose is focused on eliminating the obstacles that can affect the construction of a life project in people between the ages of 14 and 28. its development is vital because in Colombia young people represent about 24% of the population. reason for which they are the support and sustenance of the renewal of the development of the country. In this way, the following working document presents through a situational diagnosis that characterizes the current situation of secondary, technical and higher education to establish the elements of judgment that must be taken into account to formulate the public youth policy of the municipality of Sutatausa in the province of Ubaté Cundinamarca, in its education, training and human development component as an enabling input for the future labor insertion of its inhabitants and the development of the municipality in the period 2023-2032.