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Traceability of the productive process of eggplant crops in the department of Atlántico

Javier Enrique Adarraga Mejía Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Fredys Padilla González Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Flor Manuela Ariza Molina Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia

The present research seeks to identify the current situation in the agricultural - productive process of the eggplant in the department of Atlántico, the target population is the traditional farmers dedicated to cultivating the Eggplant, simple random sample, quantitative methodology, with a type of descriptive research With a non-experimental and field design, the survey information collection instrument; eggplant farmers generally own the land; Very few cultivate it on rented land, the reason for dedicating themselves to this crop is the generation of weekly resources for their subsistence and that of their family, since the aubergine offers them the possibility of obtaining permanent

weekly income for a period of nine months