
How to Cite

Otero Tapia, A. S., Ariza García, E. de J. ., Castillo Giraldo, R. A., Lombana Moron, C. M., & Fuentes Padilla, J. . (2021). Strategic planning proposal as a competitiveness tool applied to the Cotton Candyventure in the city of Cartagena de indias, Colombia. Documentos De Trabajo ECACEN, 2.
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Strategic planning proposal as a competitiveness tool applied to the Cotton Candyventure in the city of Cartagena de indias, Colombia

Amalio Segundo Otero Tapia Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Engler de Jesús Ariza García Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Roy Antonio Castillo Giraldo Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Carlos Mauro Lombana Moron Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Jhosman Fuentes Padilla Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Everydaythere are more companiesthat compete in themarket, itis a largenumberofthemthateverydaystruggletogrow, maintainthemselves and occupy a privileged place, in thesamewaythere are quite a considerable numberthatclosetheirdoors and fail, manyotherstheyhavetorethinkwhatthey do in ordernottodisappear.
Thisarticleshowstheimportanceofstrategicplanning as a fundamental tooltodirecttheactionsoftheorganization, takingthe case ofthe Cotton Candy venture, a companylocated in thecityof Cartagena de Indias in thedepartmentof Bolívar- Colombia, with in ordertoproposestrategiesthatallowthedevelopment and competitivenessofthisenterprise, seekingitsgrowth and visibility in themarket.