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Statistical notes on data processing in a quantitative research work of organizational order

Henry Hurtado B Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia
Ricardo Gómez N Universidad Nacional Abierta y A Distancia

The design of investigation begin with a key question, formulated and delimited correctly, is a real problem, not a invention problem developed by the investigator. Nextly the objectives are formulated, they must be according with the title of study and according with the key question, the secondary objectives are derivates from de main objective, and be measures. The design include the class of study, such as descriptive, quantitative, qualitative, mix, correlational, experimental, non-experimental, quasi experimental historical, documental or others.

The data recollections and its process must be according with the class of study, if study is descriptive, may be are frequency tables, contingency tables, central measures, dispersion measures and deviation coefficient. If the study is correlational may be are a correlation test, null and altern hypothesis with itsmechanisms of test. If the study is experimental, may be are a control variable and the conditions to make the experiment, etc.

The study analyzed 50 grades papers in the administration fields and similar areas, with quantitative typology, the elements were selected with the random way and in the methodology was studied, as well as, its statically data processing used by the authors. This paper as its title said, offers statistical notes to process data in quantitative studies according with the quantitative investigation.